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How things change!

I was sat the other day just chilling with a brew. And i was staring into space, as you do.

I began thinking of where i have come from and where i am now.

A few years ago i was a nightmare, i was a horrible person to be around and i treat people like utter crap. I blamed other people and took no ownership of anything, it was never my fault and it was always someone else's. Looking back i was awful.

Because of this i had failed relationships, failed friendships and bad relationships with people who loved me but i showed them none. Ill be completely honest.

Why was i like this?

I was a negative person, i breeded negativity and i thrived off other people feeling my pain. How un cool is that? I was the type of person that people almost feared and wanted nothing to do with. I woke up every morning in a bad mood, looking for the next person to blame for what had happened to me. I was stuck in this bubble of negativity. I couldn't escape it because i did not know how.


I started network marketing in early 2016. I was introduced to the Law of Attraction. Not going to lie at first i thought it was a load of poo, so i didn't take part in any of the training etc i sat it out - thinking i knew best!!


I ignored this training for ages but i started following people who had been successful and they kept referring to the Law of Attraction. So i gave it a go.

I got logged onto YouTube and Google. I began to watch short videos about it and began to read into it more.I then started to see where i was going wrong and i literally learnt so much about myself and noted so many things i needed to change. I was deeply involved with self development and would listen to it wherever i went and would sometimes block my own family members out because i was listening to it - something that got on everyone's nerves and became the running joke that if you where talking to me the chances of me paying attention would have been slim around this time haha.

Over the next few weeks people would say to me "what have you taken, why are you so happy?" i had taken nothing but expanded my knowledge so much in the Law of Attraction that i had actually started changing my mindset and the way i was thinking and the way i was living. I was actually starting to live and breathe it. And you know what? People around where noticing that i was no longer an awful person, they wanted my help, they wanted me to help them change their mindset. They wanted me to help them?

I literally would never have managed to help anyone EVER because i was so self centered. But i had switched this up.

I decided to help people as a business so i trained to become a therapist. Don't get me wrong i didn't take it on lightly it took me a few fails of dabbling in other business's - but the one thing that kept happening to me over and over was people coming to me for help and guidance. Even if it was just small things they still came to me. I got my registration and insurance sorted the day after i passed my course.

It's now 2018. I have my own business, helping people, making a difference to one more person. Coaching, counselling and training. The satisfaction i get from helping people is over whelming. If you do what you love you never work a day in your life right? This is exactly how i feel. I LOVE what i do! I have a family around me, a job, a passion for helping people and a drive to smash my goals in life - I AM THE FIRE!

I don't have a perfect life. I don't have a lot of material things and i don't live a champagne lifestyle. But what i do have i am extremely grateful for. I am grateful for everything and everyone around me.

Whatever you do if anyone offers to show you the Law of Attraction. Do not turn it down. Give it a go - even if like me you thought it was rubbish, give it a little go. You have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain!! It costs nothing at all to listen and read.

I have FREE simple handouts available that break down the Law of Attraction for you - please let me know if you would like a copy of this. If i can make a difference to one more person i will be extremely happy.

It is never to late to turn things around - NEVER! Take the first step towards making a better YOU! I'll be right behind you supporting and encouraging.

Will you be taking that first step today?

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